Flexibility Matters: Proven Stretch Exercises for Golfers in Hamptons, NY
Do you think stretch exercises for golfers makes a real difference? Or is it an optional thing to do? As golfers in the Hamptons, NY get some experience, they repeatedly hear how warming up is essential. But even then, many of us forget about it and believe it doesn’t really matter. What if we examine the data and comparisons provided by sports science?
This article aims to provide insight into the scientific aspect of stretching in golf. Does it have an influence on golf swing statistics and the body's range of motion? Moreover, what type of stretching has been proven to be more effective according to studies?
Determinants of swing performance
First of all, what is really important to improve swing performance? We usually focus on adopting a good technique and mental focus. But we should never forget about the physical determinants. At the end of the day, it is our body making the movements, and stretching influences its function.
The most important physical determinants of swing performance are (1):
Balance: It helps players shift their weight at the right time. A balanced body maintains a proper stance, which is essential for your swings. Core stability is fundamental for consistent golfers, and you will fully develop this trait through body conditioning.
Muscle strength and power: You need lower-body strength and power in almost every sport, including golf. The mechanical work and speed of the golf club depend on these physical traits. Stretching prepares your muscles for the sudden movements required for a golf swing.
Muscle-tendon properties: Tendons are elastic structures that communicate muscles and bones. They are essential for flexibility and force production. Stretching influences muscle-tendon properties and improve the range of motion. Even if you can’t notice the difference, your body will achieve a longer backswing and higher angular velocity.
So, if you’re only worried about your technique and experience in golf, you’re probably missing something else. Your body should be prepared for action, and stretching is one way to get it ready.
Prepare your body for a successful golf match
What can you do before playing to maximize your results?
There are plenty of studies about golf warm-ups and their effects. One of the most recent was published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. It was a comprehensive review of the literature and joined data from 23 studies.
Here is what the researchers found out (2):
As the first notable finding, most golfers do not warm-up consistently. Those who rarely warm up usually do so for a very short period. They also limit their preparation to only one type of activity. Thus, you can have a real edge over them if you know what to do and how.
In the study, dynamic warm-ups and stretching were considered one of the best methods to increase golf performance. The researchers discouraged static stretching. They showed that only dynamic stretching increased ball speed and clubhead speed, producing a straighter swing path. Most people know static stretching and that’s what they do. You can make a real difference by receiving a session of active isolated stretching from your therapist.
Apart from dynamic stretching, aerobic exercise before golf is highly recommended. Also, resistance exercise before the match may increase clubhead speed levels. You can combine stretch exercises for golfers with aerobic or anaerobic exercise. Which one is better? You can ask your stretch therapist for the best combination according to your needs and type of play.
Can you do it by yourself?
Most of us think of stretching as a set of movements you do to prepare for exercise. After learning them, you just rehearse and repeat. Again, that is what most people do, and it doesn’t work very well.
If you want to make a difference, assisted stretching is much more beneficial. This modality is guided by your stretch therapist considering your goals, injuries, and type of play. You can receive a session in the golf course or before leaving home.
The benefits of stretching and increasing flexibility
What will you get from dynamic warm-ups?
According to another study published in the International Journal of Sports Medicine, this is what you can expect after assisted stretching (3):
Assisted stretching increases clubhead speed: Your limbs will become more flexible and produce more rapid movements after stretching. As a result, studies show that clubhead speed increases by 4.4%.
Ball speed and reach improve significantly: Naturally, clubhead speed increments influence ball speed, too. According to studies, the ball goes 6% faster, and your shot will reach farther when you need it.
Dynamic stretching is associated with a straighter swing path: When a swing path is straight, accuracy increases. So, this session will also give you more muscle control and make your golf swing more effective.
You will have a higher number of central impact points: In other words, the clubface hits the ball right in the center more frequently when you stretch. Naturally, this improves the trajectory and give you game control.
The range of motion improves after dynamic stretching: There is an increase in range of motion (ROM) after assisted stretching. Extrapolating this to golf, an increase in shoulder ROM can be one of the reasons behind this notable improvement in swing performance (4).
Altogether, these benefits make your game more accurate. Every shot is faster and goes straighter to the goal.
Warm-ups and stretch exercises can really make a difference in golf. However, an alarming number of players disregard this practice, even those who seriously want to improve their game. It is not only meant to reduce injury risk in senior players. It also offers improvements in golf swing performance.
Many golf players in the Hamptons, NY have no clue or don’t know how to stretch. So, you can have a real edge over them by asking for assistance from your stretch therapist.
In this article, we have reviewed different stretch exercises for golfers you can include to increase shot accuracy and speed, focused on dynamic stretching as one of the most effective. This technique gives you an advantage by:
Increasing clubhead speed after maximizing flexibility and force production.
Increasing ball speed and reach.
Providing a straighter swing path and a more accurate shot.
Facilitating more central impact points, with improved trajectory control.
In a session of assisted stretching your therapist will rehearse the movements you do in a golf match. These should be applied with the exact force and direction to be effective. Thus, if you are interested in this type of warm-up exercise, talk to your therapist and program your next session before a golf match to have a first-hand experience.
Sheehan, W. B., Bower, R. G., & Watsford, M. L. (2022). Physical determinants of golf swing performance: A review. Journal of strength and conditioning research, 36(1), 289-297.
Ehlert, A., & Wilson, P. B. (2019). A systematic review of golf warm-ups: Behaviors, injury, and performance. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 33(12), 3444-3462.
Moran, K. A., McGrath, T., Marshall, B. M., & Wallace, E. S. (2009). Dynamic stretching and golf swing performance. International journal of sports medicine, 30(02), 113-118.
Sorbie, G. G., Baker, J. S., Gu, Y., & Ugbolue, U. C. (2016). The effect of dynamic and static stretching on golf driving performance. International Journal of Sports and Exercise Medicine, 2(1).